Its vital to know what and how scams operate. To know that there are a lot of scams online medical transcription schools out there, here are some of the most commone signs that signifies an online medical transcription school a scam.
- They don't reply to your queries. If it was a legitimate site, they'd give a response ASAP. It's protocol.
- They promise to give you a job after training. In reality, after training you're left on your one to find a job.
- They don't have a testimonials page from their students and graduates. Legit online schools always have positive responses from their students and graduates.
- Their website is messy - difficult to nagivate. You get lost with all the links scrambled around the site.
- Some of their links are dead. If you clicked on one, it says "404 not found."
- Their mailing address and contact information is not shown in their website. If they were to be found, they'd be sued. And that's what they don't want.
- They ask you to buy their softwares and hardware. Pretty much of the software used in medical transcription can be downloaded for free through the internet. You could aslo buy the foot pedal in a local store. So why would you need to buy from them? Just to start your training.
- They promise that medical transcription is easy to understand. Learning medical transcription is not easy. Everyone knows that. There's no "easy" in training.
- They exaggerate how much you will earn after training. Truth be told, you will not earn as much as an experienced medical transcriptionist. Heck, even the experienced ones find it difficult to earn that much.
Make sure the company offering the Medical transcription course is reputable and has been around for a long time.And send the school an email asking a question about their course. If they respond promptly in a professional matter that's a good sign..
That's also a good way to ensure that the school is legitimate.
it is a nice blog. In helping out readers you should know their needs and for this blog you satisfied our needs. keep up the good work. keep on posting. you indeed have nice blog you can aslo post some about medical transcription schools ideally i know you have nice post.
Thanks. I will some time. I'm currently busy for the moment, but I will get back to posting more information about medical transcription.
When I started out my career, finding a good school is definitely one of the toughest thing to do. I really suggest that people consider all the factors mentioned above as it is them who is going to benefit from the education they'd get.
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